

Launch Like a Pro: Master the Art of Online Course Creation

From building your audience to selling your course—learn everything you need to turn your knowledge into profit.

What You'll Learn

  • How to Build Your Email List

  • How to Educate Your Subscribers About Your Course

  • How to Sell Your Course

  • How to Write Your Launch Emails

Imagine that you have a great idea for an online course. You’ve thought about all the amazing content and lessons that you’ll include. Now you just have to launch it and get people signed up. Easy? Not really. Let’s face it, launching a course online can be tricky. Sometimes it can feel downright impossible.

To make this process as painless as possible, we’ve created this guide to walk you through a successful launch from start to finish.

In order to start with your best foot forward, there are a few things you’ll want to prepare before you launch your course—for starters, you’ll need your email list and about 20% of your course content ready to go.

No idea how to do it? Download the e-book now and let’s get started.

Meet Justin Burns

Justin Burns is the go-to authority for online selling success in the digital age. Not only is he the brains behind the best-selling digital marketing book on the ExpertCode, but he is also the founder of This online course creation platform allows users to create stunning online courses on the fastest and easiest all-in-one platform and broadcast their expertise to the world in minutes. As a trained e-learning and education consultant, author, and Ted-Ex Speaker,

– Justin Burns

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